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Worlds 2022 - AP/A and Control Center

No race today, but cool stuff done anyway !

Worlds 2022 - opening ceremony

Broken traveler rope, opening ceremony and food buffet are the news of the day.

Campione Foiling Easter regatta 2022

Rapport Foiling Easter Regatta 2022 – Campione Italie

Worlds 2022 - skinny boy vs stainless steel

Today was the last day of the pre-regatta, the Admiral's Cup. It is named after the nickname of sailing legend Ben "the Admiral" Hall. First day was low wind range, barely trapeezing. Had trouble with my outhaul and cuningham. Second day went better with downwind trapeezing, it ended up well with a 2nd place right behind Micky Todd, who is really fast on his latest Scheurer G6.

Worlds 2022 - Baston à Houston

Today was the last opportunity to test the boats before the Admiral's Cup which starts tomorrow with the Classics at 11h. I went out with all other sailors for a nice session with Micky Todd, who is really fast on his new Blue Scheurer !

The usual suspects in the foiler teams are doing the Speedy Gonzales game all over the playfield, get away when they are coming up on you, they are faster that motorboats and do not seem to be very annoyed by the choppy conditions. Some others are struggling and there are already shore-teams all over the boat park sections fixing today's damages

Worlds 2022 - boat park visit, inauguration of the HYC season

Big party at the Houston Yacht Club, this week-end marks the debut of their season, everyone wearing ties and dresses for the occasion.

Worlds 2022 - getting to Houston

Today the wind is too strong even for big boys, so let's report some news about the daily business of participating to the Worlds in Houston. My journey started early in a cold morning of Bevaix's train station, along with Heiko's sail.


important : be smart with your insurance

Dear members of SACA,

Several members of SACA have recently experienced difficulties in getting proper insurance coverage for their boats. The problem is not to be misplaced on the insurances ! They are making business and like any other well-driven company, they will get rid of their painful customers.

Geneva Foiling Grand Prix 7-8 may

We are kindly invite to the Geneva Foiling Grand Prix at the 7. Of may.
It will be a great opportunity to make our class more visible and attractive.

(PS I am looking for a date to organise our general meeting as soon as possible. Keep in touch)
